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Welcome to

Saint Barnabas's

Memorial Episcopal Church

We hope we can lead each other to God through a life of prayer and work as Christ's hands and heart in the world. We believe in the ministry of all the baptized and, though we trust and are blessed by the ministry of our clergy, we know each one of us is called to ministry through our own baptisms.

Some people come to us from other Episcopal churches but many come into our doors looking for God, with no formal church background. Many come, too, from other churches and we seek to welcome all and to help with spiritual journeys at any step along the way.

We are a welcoming community - all are welcome no matter what race, age, or sexual identity. Children are always welcome here at worship or at any of our activities - we love to hear their chatter during the service!

The worship of Jesus Christ on Sunday mornings is the core

of who we are. ​
Find out when we gather for worship, the heart of Saint Barnabas's.

Worship with Us

Our church offers a wide range of

ministry opportunities.

Whether you'd like to learn more,

pray more, or serve more,

we have a ministry for you.

Minister with Us

Making an offering of our financial resources is an integral part of what it means to be a Christian. We have a variety of ways to make it easy for you to support our church.

Support Us

10th Sunday of Pentecost

Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Philadelphia Eleven
Sunday, July 28, 2024
In the Tent of Meeting on the Great Lawn

9:00 am - Holy Eucharist Rite II

10:15 am - Lemonade on the Lawn

The Rev. W. (Will) H. Mebane, Jr., Presider/Preacher

Click here for the 9am Bulletin Click here for the livestreaming on YouTube

Sunday Service via YouTube


Livestream from July 21, 2024

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